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Treat your soil like your baby


Updated: Apr 16, 2024

Would you feed your child chemicals that could be dangerous?

Stop feeding the soil so much poison.

Which Chemist or Scientist did the good Lord consult when creating the Garden of Eden?

Stop killing the Bees and Earth Worms.

Leave the seaweed alone so it can continue to filter the poisons from the water before they contaminates the Marine life.

Correctly fermented and mixed Liquid Worm Castings are the oldest natural compost known to Humans.

Liquid Castings have the ability to remove toxins from the soil.

They kill root rot in plants.

They control heavy metals in the soil only releasing what the roots require as and when the do.

They promote water retention .

They are available from Arthur at a very affordable price. Save money.

Arthurs Worm Farms Waihi 07 863 7677.


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